Your Most Important Patient is You!
Patient care ensures that patients are kept happy and comfortable with their wellbeing in mind. It is their right to be treated with dignity and care. When we speak about a patient we are talking about a human being, a person whom we take care of every day without any personal or subjective judgement. Certain characteristics define a patient, the person may have a disease, physical impairment, or anything else, but all require patient care founded in appreciation for each other as humans. Patient care ultimately comes from the heart.
But when we dont take care of ourselves, how can we care for others? We can't share with others a resource that we lack ourselves. Taking care of yourself is simply realizing that you are also important. It means not to unnecessarily and constantly ignore your needs and the things that make you feel good. It can be best described as helping others by helping yourself first. It means prioritizing your happiness and fulfillment without infringing on others. In the selfless profession of nursing, the temptation is always to push ourselves just a little farther. It's easy to agree to pick up another shift, or take on another patient. But there are limits to what we can endure. Having limits is not a weakness. Weakness is failing to recognize your limits or being unwilling to ask for help when you need it. It's important to realize your limitations and have the humility to ask for help when you need it. It could save a life, that life might even be your own. Self care helps to bring into sharp focus the things that actually matter to you. Placing priorities enables you to focus and direct your energy toward what's important to you.
To be a nurse means to first care for ourselves so that we can care for others, YOU are your most valuable patient.