Work Smarter,Not Harder

Ready to Travel? Find great travel nursing & allied health jobs without recruiters with the NextGen MedStaff app. We offer a simple digital experience that allows you to be effortlessly matched to your perfect job!

Earn more money with our recruiter-less app; what you see up front is what you get. We give you transparent pay rates for each assignment: shift, pay breakdown, taxable/tax free, facility name, post date etc. Tap APPLY and be submitted with a text confirmation, It's that easy! Don't waste time negotiating with recruiters when you can apply for the jobs you really want, all from your phone! Professionals can expect to make 30-50% more than a permanent position because we don’t pay recruiters salary, benefits, or commission. We also pay properly for hours 36 to 40, overtime, holiday, and call-back, unlike all other agencies!

Don't worry... we haven't replaced customer service with a mobile app! Connect with NextGen MedStaff on your terms and speak directly with account managers, 24/7. You have the freedom to make your own choices and be your own ‘recruiter' and NextGen will be there to support you every step of the way.

Putting YOU in charge of YOUR career, it just makes sense. NextGen MedStaff is the smarter way to find your next travel assignment.


Not Your Typical Travel Agency


Reset Your Nursing Career