The nursing school shortage continues…

It is no secret that the number of nursing school graduates has not kept up with the demand for nurses in recent years. With hospitals across the country experiencing a shortage of qualified nurses, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find jobs in this rapidly growing industry. The Department of Labor estimates that there will be over one million job openings for registered nurses by 2020, but less than half are expected to be filled by new graduates from nursing schools. This blog post outlines what this means for future nursing school students and how they can prepare themselves accordingly.

There is literally no way that US hospitals can keep up with the demand for nurses in the coming years.

Add nursing school to the list of nursing career choices.

The nursing shortage can also be beneficial for nursing students, as it provides more opportunities in hospitals across the country.

Nursing Shortage: What It Means For Nursing School The nursing industry is expected to grow by 26 percent over the next eight years, which makes nursing one of the fastest growing careers today. With an aging population and a lack of qualified nurses entering into hospital staffs, there are literally no signs that this growth will slow down any time soon. This has caused many doctors' offices and other healthcare facilities all over America to experience a shortage in registered nurses who have graduated from nursing schools or obtained their RN license through another means such as LPN programs .


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Nursing shortages are going to get worse